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Destriers- according to Silvia Loch’s book The Royal Horse of Europe this refers to the “Great Horse” used by the knights between 1066 and the end of the 17th century. Between 1066 and 1505, they were part warm-blooded clean-legged horses standing 13.2 to 14.3 hands and capable of carrying a knight in chain maille. Between 1505 and 1632, they were considered hairy horses with feather standing 14.2 to 15.2 hands capable of carrying equine plate armor and a knight in armor. From 1632 until the end of the 17th century, the term referred to a clean-limbed Spanish charger of between 15 and 16 hands that was capable of carrying only the knight in plate armor. All three had strong genetic influences of horses from the Iberian Peninsula.


Direct Rein- this refers to the use of the rein on the same side of the horse in which you desire to enforce control of the horse by pressure on the bridge of the nose and/or mouth. The horse reacts by giving in to the pressure caused by the pull of the reins, moving his head in that direction.


Distal- this is an adjective that refers to anything remote or far from any point of reference. In horse appendages, the distal parts of the anatomy are farthest from the point of attachment of the leg to the body. This term is the opposite of proximal.


Dorsal- this is directed towards, or situated on, the surface of the back.  It can also be used in a more figurative sense that refers to the top side of a specific area of the anatomy. This term is the opposite of ventral.


Double Rigging- this refers to riggings that use two cinches. In the North American stock horse, this refers to a front and a back cinch, but in South America the double rigging is made up of two superimposed cinches, one that holds the saddle in place and the other that holds the saddle seat or cushions in place.


Driver- in the Chilean Rodeo the driver is the teamed pair that prompts the steer to continue in forward motion at a trot or faster pace.


Drover- this is a cowboy used to drive livestock to given destinations often a great distance away. The Spanish term for this is “tropero” or “resero”, but the most common word in Chile is “arriero”.


Dun- this is a hair coat color that when it has the basic genetic make up of a chestnut color with the presence of a dominant “D” dilution gene that results in a pinkish red, red or claybank hair coat color with black points (black mane, tail and extremities of the legs), and when it has the basic genetic make up of a bay color with the presence of the dominant “D” dilution gene it results in a yellow dun with black points. Unlike the buckskin, the yellow, pinkish red, red or claybank true dun that does not possess the recessive Ccr dilution gene should not produce the cremellos, perlinos or albinos.

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