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Open registry- this is a registry where there is an approved influence of a different breed that can be crossed with a registered horse of the breed in mention, and the product can be registered as a purebred of this breed in spite of being a crossbred. Most breeds with open registries have certain criteria the crossbred progeny must meet in order to be assigned a purebred number, but there are also breeds like the Criollo that since 1939 has assigned purebred status to all progeny crossed with registered Chilean Horses. Associations with open registries consider the approved crosses to continue to improve the quality of their breed. Ironically, the most numerous breed of the world, the American Quarter Horse, still maintains an open registry to specimens of the Thoroughbred breed.


Outcrossing- this is a cross with a horse that is totally unrelated and thus void of any inbreeding. Although crossbreeding between two different breeds is a type of outcrossing, the term is generally used within the bloodlines of a single breed.


Overo- this is a spotted horse pattern with irregular splotches of white that originate on the underside and generate upwards, with the neck, back and tail set generally being a solid color. The mane and tail are generally the solid color but can also be all-white; rarely are they mingled. Most of the time, the overo has some white on the head. Most overos have dark legs and it is extremely rare for them to have four white legs below the knees and hocks. Overos referred to as calicos are largely solid-colored horses with scattered splashy white marks on the sides of the body. This is the most often seen overo pattern in Chilean Horses. Overos can also be roan-colored with small ragged patches of white over the body. The overo color is the expression of a recessive gene that must be received by both parents.


Ox-Head Horses- according to Dr. Deb Bennett, these are horses that originated in the mountains of Turkey and Iraq that later influenced the formation of the Aegean breed that was known for its large eyes that protrude above the horse’s wide forehead, large cheekbones and a wide poll. These horses were well muscled with strong backs and sloped croups with low tail sets. After the decline of the Hittites, this breed had a strong influence of the horses in Persian, Roman, Greek and Celtic cultures.

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