Introduction to Ask Randall Print E-mail


Image         This section of the web page offers the viewer an opportunity to establish direct contact with the author in technical matters that are specifically related to the Chilean Horse. Other types of inquiries should be made through "Contact us".

Before utilizing "Ask Randall" the viewer should look at the most "Frequently Asked Questions" (FAQ) as well as review the questions that have been posted in the "Question and Answer Blog" (Q&A Blog). Its is very probable that most general questions about the breed have been touched upon in one of these two sections of the web page and in that case the viewer will have a more expedient response by immediately reading the answers that have already been posted. However, should the interested party have another question that has not been touched upon in the FAQ or Q&A, then by all means he or she should use the "Ask Randall" option and expect a personal response to the inquiry.

The idea behind "Ask Randall" is that everybody should benefit from the response to interesting questions. As a result any questions and answers that the author of this page feels could contribute to the overall knowledge of its viewers will be posted in the Q&A Blog that can be accessed by any of the users of this web site. Those posing the questions will only be identified publicly by their first name, city and country of residence in an effort to monitor the international appeal of the Chilean Horse breed.

The author has a broad experience with horses around the world and has become increasingly knowledgeable about the Chilean Horse while also making many friendships with a variety of people he regards as experts in fields where their experience is largely carried out with Chilean Horses. The answers will be sincere efforts to educate the user of this site, based on the knowledge, experience and contacts that are available to the author. However, no one is the sole source of the "truth". As a result, the author would always urge the friends of this web page to pursue their inquiries from more than one reference and within as much litereature as they can get their hands on. Hopefully, the author can not only provide answers, but also suggestions where further reading or inquiry can offer additional information.

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